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The Period of the Goguryeo Kingdom`s Advancement into the Cheongju Region 목차 고구려의 청주지역 진출 시기 / 金榮官 1
A study on the Production Period of the Cheong-ju Uncheon-dong Silla Stele 「청주운천동신라사적비」의 제작연대는 비
The Effect of Local Governments’ Consolidation between Cheongju City and Cheongwon County 이 연구에서는 청주시와 청원군
Comparative Resident Satisfaction Studies between Changwon and Cheongju Regeneration Projects This study selected two representative ur
Research on the Dining-out Behavior of Cheong-Ju Undergraduates by Food-related Lifestyle 본 연구는 청주지역 대학생들을
A exploratory study for revitalization of regional press in Light of the press marketing, considering of newspaper of Chungbuk and Chun