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전문자료 검색결과 (63,197건) NAVER OpenAPI

Network Analysis of Headlines in the Newspaper Articles on the Prospective Presidential Candidates and their PR Strategy in Korea 본
Study on Decisive Factors of Re-Visit and Oral Publicity of Visitors on Satisfaction with Local Festivals This study aims to analyze th
Effects of Policy PR, Policy Tools, Policy Outputs, and Government Capacity on Public Trust in Government: Analysis of National Citizen
An Exploration of the Communication Strategies for Government Policy PR-In Search of the Communication Problems and Solutions in Govern
해외홍보원과 국가이미지 위원회의 홍보실무 연구: 허튼(Hutton)의 PR모델 적용 [국문요약]=421,426,1 I. 서
A Study on the Improvement of University Image through Online Promotion : Focusing on the homepage slogan discourse 대학의 경쟁적
A Conceptual Study on PR Ambassador in PR System 이 연구는 조직의 PR과정에서 늘어나고 있는 홍보대사의 이용과
A Research of Policy Promotion through the Mass Media Relations Problems Solution 이 연구는 정부의 정책홍보의 문제점을